Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I am a poor 17 year old from Los Angeles,CA in the US so I can't go to the LoveParade this year but I have the opportunity to vote for which floats are going to be there. I am most enthusiastic about the TranceAddicts and Trance.nu floats. There are a lot of great choices. There are those two which I highly recommend and there are also floats for Paul Van Dyk with the Vandit float and Tiesto has a float. Half the floats will be decided by voters and the other half will be decided by experts from the electronic dance music scene. If you are a electronic dance music fan I would very much encourage you to vote.(You only get one vote per person)

PS I couldn't decide so I voted for TranceAddicts and I got my friend to vote for Trance.nu.

Tranceaddict at Loveparade Germany 2006!

If you want to vote for trance.nu here are the instructions:

*** New - Specific voting instructions ***

1. Register to Vote at http://www.loveparde.net click below:

2. Log in to Vote

3. Paste this link to vote for the trance.nu float after you are logged in:

Click Vote and you're done!

To Vote for TranceAddicts
How to vote:

1) Register at www.Loveparade.net

2) Log-in to vote: www.loveparade.net/login.php?Pplang=en

3) Select International -> Canada -> Tranceaddict

Winter Music Conference

This is a documentary about the Winter Music Conference and the Ultra Music Festival. Basically once a year around spring break everyone who is into dance/electronica music gets together in Miami for a week and it is a blast. 1000 parties, 5000 DJS Enjoy:

My most recently played songs:

Monday, April 24, 2006

Kristina Sky

Kristina Sky is my favorite local DJ. She has a great sound and a great vibe. She has a residency at Spundae right now. She has had a residency at Club Heaven before and she has a show that airs every other week on ETN.fm.

Kyau vs. Albert & My Favorite DJs

I am a big trance fan. My favorite up and coming DJs right now are Kyau vs. Albert, Kristina Sky, and Tania Mann. They are not superstars yet(well kyau and albert are getting there) but I know they are going to be big hits.

Randy Boyer Awesome DJ